divendres, 28 de juny del 2013

Ice cream!!

I thought that as it winter is very cold in Korea it summer is fresh, but it seems that summers here are like hell. Luckily there are supermarkets with ice creams everywhere and usually are cheap, as them cost 1000 won (about 70 cents) or 500.

My favorite is a 500 wons 'dulce de leche' ice cream. But I found some that are weird. Among them I have to mention the ice cream in bottle and the ice cream in condom ...

Ice cream in a bottle.

While I was choosing an ice cream to eat I noticed an strange touch and of course I picked it. When I opened it I found a plastic bottle filled with chocolate ice cream.

As it was an strange experience (but good chocolate taste) I decided not buying it more, but they touched my heart with a Barça version, so I had to buy again ^^.

Ice cream in a condom. 
It happened again, when I was choosing an ice cream I noticed something strange and picked up it again (I never learn of my mistakes!). I thought it would be kind of cold jelly by its touch, but when I opened it I found a condom filled with chocolate.
First I thought it was: how I open it? In the packaging said I had to cut it, but usually I don't have scissors on me, so I started to bite it until I did a little hole. But, as I had been handling to open it, it was becoming unfrozen. So as the hole appear the chocolate started to go out non-stop so I had to be licking on it all the time and the situation was a little embarassing (Look at this foreigner! He is eating the ice cream anxiously). A hard psychologically experience.

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